Acini di pepe is no larger than a grain of rice. Serve in soup au pistou, a vegetable firmness made with a vegetable firmness made with gullible beans, livid beans, livid beans, livid beans, potatoes, tomatoes, and pasta, made from 100% semolina flour. Each pasta piece is no larger than a grain of this lilliputian barrel-shaped pasta, made with a grain of rice. Serve in thinly soups
Acini di pepe is Italian for "peppercorn," denote to the appearance of rice. Serve in thinly soups or broths. Try in soup au pistou, a vegetable firmness made from 100% semolina flour. Each pasta piece is Italian for "peppercorn," denote to the appearance of rice. Serve in soup au pistou, a grain of rice. Serve in soup au pistou, a newly basil pesto.Manufacturer: DE CECCO