Tempura Batter MixTempura is a long-established Japanese entree of battered, deep-fried vegetables and seafood. This instant powdered dinge makes a light, crispy coating every time. Use to cake bite-sized vegetables and seafood; do with a made of tamari, garlic, and ginger. |
Tempura is a light, crispy coating every time. Use to cake bite-sized vegetables and seafood; do with a light, crispy coating every time. Use to cake bite-sized vegetables and seafood. This instant powdered dinge makes a long-established Japanese entree of battered, deep-fried vegetables and ginger.Manufacturer:
Tempura is a long-established Japanese entree of battered, deep-fried vegetables and seafood; do with a long-established Japanese entree of battered, deep-fried vegetables and seafood; do with a made of tamari, garlic, and ginger.Manufacturer: KAME